My first commercial print modeling gig has born fruit on Sixth Avenue on the Juice and Joy sandwich board! Lots of friends have mentioned seeing me on the TV screen inside the cozy juice bar on Sixth. Now I’m out on the sidewalk as well. Minor fame in the West Village!
Many thanks to Mo (store owner and movie director) for having the vision to hire an older model. The first print ad of this campaign was in the WestView News, and now I’m in other Mo’s other promotional materials. I’m so excited!
And what makes it even more fun is that all three of my New York apartments have been in a 2-block radius of this sandwich board. Bam!
And thanks to my dear friend Dusty Berke for helping me put the look together to match Juice and Joy’s brand colors.
Congrats on that! And love the color coordination between you and “Juice and Joy”!
And what a great photo it came to be!