Billy Goat on Bleecker

West Village model Karen Rempel

Dear reader, I hope that you and your loved ones (both skinny and furry) are home safe, and enjoying some close time together, catching up on some of those things you’ve been meaning to do. This home time is a time for reflection, and a pause to look at the changes in NYC.

Karen's Quirky Style - West Village model Karen Rempel with her favorite goat

This is my favorite goat, and I visit him every time I’m on Bleecker. He has a great sense of style, always wearing a complimentary scarf to complete his woolly look. I am wearing an Easter ensemble, with a little chick in my gloved hand. Stay tuned for more details on the outfit in my April 1 post.

You may notice the “Shop Bleecker” tile on the sidewalk, and the fact that the sidewalk is completely deserted. This is why I have a look of bewilderment on my face. This is not the New York I know!

With everything going on in the world, it is unsettling and hard for our minds to make sense of the changes. In New York City, the changes on the streets remind me of a post-apocalyptic horror movie. It’s bad enough with the stores, restaurants, bars, and cafes closed, but the lack of people is truly frightening.

A friend in the neighborhood ventured up to Times Square to check out the scene in one of the most densely peopled square miles on the planet. Here’s his art reviewing dog, Cali:

Karen's Quirky Style - Cali in deserted Times Square

This makes me cry. She is all alone. But the good news is the vast majority of us are safe at home, and our dogs and cats are safe. According to the American Kennel Club, “The CDC has not reported any cases of pets or other animals becoming infected with COVID-19 in the United States or anywhere else in the world, including hotbeds like Italy.”

I went for a cruise around the neighborhood on the last night that bars and restaurants were open, and again the day after. Here’s my report. Support your local restaurants by doing takeout or delivery now and then!

There are so many things to worry about right now, but I urge you to read, watch, or do something uplifting before bed. Pet your dog or do 20 sit-ups. Or give yourself a new makeup look with all the colors you never use. 🙂 Stay safe and healthy!

P.S. Spring makeup by Karen Rempel using MAC colors. Sunset hair color by Saori at Emilio Antonio (208 E. 6th Street). Photograph on Bleecker by Dusty Berke.

4 thoughts on “Billy Goat on Bleecker

  1. I really like the way this piece reaches out to the community and speaks to its concerns in this unprecedented time in the history of NYC — and the world! Glad for the reminder go support our beloved local downtown restaurants by taking out! Also appreciate the ‘trying new style ideas before bed’ / doing 20 sit-ups advice — ways to use our time well and keep our spirits up! Appreciate knowing the type of hair color by Saori.

    Would also appreciate any additional home hair color advice as none of us can go to our salons these days!

    Am moved by the pic of Times Square with its one lone creature, a little stunned at the sudden disappearance of all the others.

    Strength and virtual kisses to all!

    1. Hi Pat,

      Thanks for your comments. I’m glad the post is helpful! As for haircolor, I like Adore and Manic Panic, which both come in a wide range of funtastic colors. Some hairdressers think Adore lasts longer. They are both “semi-permanent” so now could be the time to try the color you’ve always wanted to but were afraid of what others might think. Both are available on Amazon. 🙂 Send me a pic!


      1. Thanks for the home hair color advice about ‘Adore’. I will send you a pic! (Is there a way to upload a pic to the blog ‘reply’?) Otherwise, will email…
        Thanks and hugs,

      2. Hi Pat, I’m excited to see how your hair turns out! I will be doing my own at home soon–first time since a teenager! Send me a pic and I’ll post it. 🙂

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